
Monday, November 28, 2022

Persuasive Writing

We are learning to do persuasive writing


Hook: I think I should go to survivor 2022

Opinion: I think survivor is good for me

Main Idea 1: because then I will get the experience for when we have survivors next year

In detail, we can learn new skills like bush safety, emergency shelter, bird monitoring, hut rules, and hiking for a long time

Main idea 2: it will be a cool thing because then it will be a good memory and it would teach us how to make shelters

Detail, swimming with my friends, spotlight, making smores, hanging out with my friends staying fit, and having a good time 

Conclusion (say my opinion again and main points) I should go to survivor 2022 because there will be a lot of fun and I will learn a lot of survivor skills. Also, my fitness level will improve

Hi mum and dad,

I and my class are going to Waima forest for survivor night and it will be a good experience for me.

I think survivor night is good for me because we get a new experience of how we can learn about bush safety, emergency shelters, bird monitoring, hut rules, and hiking for a long time with a big bag on.

Another reason I think is that it will be a good memory to tell everyone and it would teach us how to make shelters and how to survive in the wild. Then we can have a swim, play spotlight, make smores, hang out, and stay fit. On this adventure, we are going to do Sir’s challenges for example ninja line, brain freeze, bush tucker, and chili challenge.

I should go to survivor 2022  because there will be a lot of activities. We can learn a lot of new survival skills. Also, it will help us with our fitness level. 

I can learn to be organized for survivor night. This experience will be worthwhile for my fitness level. Hiking with a backpack, up a hill is good training and would help me with my body strength and my brain. I think it is going to be a Tremendous time at Waima forest. Mum I know I am lazy at home but can you please let me go with my class to survivor night it will help me with cooking my own food and will help me by doing stuff for myself.

So come on mum and dad, let me go, please.

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Probability Revision

In class, we have been learning about probability revision


Creature Mihi

    Kingdom          Animalia

 Phylum            Chordata

 Class                Aves

Order                 Accipitriformes

Family               Accipitridae

Genus                Hieraaetus

Species              Extinct     

Ko Wai au?

My skeleton head is in the Canterbury Museum. When I was alive I was found in the south island and my home is in New Zealand.

Ko The Remarkables toku monga

Ko Shotover Toku awa 

I am from the Aves class. This means a class of birds that are vertebrates so I am in the chordata, phylum. Vertebrates have a backbone. I am warm-blooded. My prey is humans and moa. I  grow to the size of 2 to 3 meters. What am I?

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Cinquain Poem

This term we have been learning about Cinquain poems, here is a Cinquain poem I have created

Devotion Refection

 This week we read the parable of the three servants

The parable is about three servants and God gave them each a different amount of silver one of the servant five bags of silver he then came back with ten bags of silver the other servant got two bags of silver and then came back with four bags of silver the last servant got one bag of silver and decided to buried the silver.

The parable taught about why God has given us talents and how he wants us to use the talents that he gave us.

I apply my talents by developing. My talents are linguistic intelligence, bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, and musical intelligence.

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Thursday, August 4, 2022

My Goals

This week we have set goals to work towards. These are the goals I set with my class.